Pinkberry shoot wrapped

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pinkberry shoot
I have lately been working with Gemnil from Yuyintang and the band Pinkberry to produce a music video. It's a zero budget type thing shot over two two-hour shoots but we wrapped today and I must say the results are quite good.

We had a lot fun with it, shooting a classroom scene and then a 'live' scene at YYT (where we also bumped into singer Wang Xiaokun and promoter Abe Deyo). Gemnil released some of her photos today so I thought I'd throw a couple on the blog. Special note to Micah, we shot the class scene in Zhangjiang Gaoke then ate lunch in the mini mall next to the station. Oh yes, that mall is one happening place at 11.30 on a Sunday morning.

pink two

pink eight

pink one

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Hi Andy,

thanks for the information. I've added the info to:

Are you going to post the youtube link to the video as well later? :)

Rock oN!!!
Rock in China

I'll do a high quality AVI file for the band and then it's up to them where to use it. Knowing them, I'm sure they'll have no problem with me putting it on the Youtube channel. They have a Tudou channel too.

I have a rough cut now. I don't really use effects or anything surreal so it'll be done this week.

Zhang said its Yu Si Yuan not Wang xiao Kun you met in YYT...
honestly they look same to me all the time :D

That's funny, I wasn't sure either, but the others said it's Wang :)

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This page contains a single entry by Andy Best published on December 8, 2008 11:49 PM.

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