A_Z band live @ Yuyintang

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a_z band
Tonight was folk night at Yuyintang. Indie folk artists Asiaeyes and Wu Zhuoling have recently collaborated on a CD and are now playing some joint shows to promote it. Their band name is A_Z Band.

Why not first check out some tracks from the new album here: A_Z Band myspace page

I got a bit of a shock when I walked into the hall and saw that the front half was completely taken up with chairs and tables. That's right - table people!!! Are you a table person? Do you like VIP clubs? You deserve a slow painful death. But anyway, A_Z are a sit down folk band. The big surprise was when the Snot Rockets came on for the 'after-show' and the tables stayed there.

A_Z had three people in the line up and used a complex backing track for each song that included drums, pre-recorded back up vocals, reeds and some distortion guitar playing too. At times, the three performers seemed to be just filling in small parts over the tape. I was especially surprised that the two supporting performers didn't provide any back up vocals in favor of a backing tape.

People who had been to see Jose Gonzalez earlier in the week immediately recognized Wu Zhouling as 'the girl who supported Jose Gonzalez earlier in the week'. A_Z performed a professional two part set of warm sounding acoustic based folk songs. Wu Zhuoling's voice is low and soft and the tracks were laid back. After they finished, about half the locals did a runner into the rain soaked night ... and so did I, not long after. This was a nice show for me to catch after a string of disappointments with indie folk performances lately.

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I so regret I never went to yuyingtan this summer/winter.

been to 4live and enjoyed the place a lot.

Shopgirl, I read on your blog that you're coming back soon on a study program. We'll get you into YYT yet. Have you been to Logo? That's where the same crowd go to party. I don't go much myself as I don't drink, it's all shows for me.

you'll go to logo for fucked up i think ;o)
but i hope they remove all of them tables then (or couches in that case..)!!

Hey Fabi

Yeah, F*cked Up did famously play a toilet. But if you watch the video of that, there's only like 7 or 8 people who can actually see them.

Doesn't sound that far off Logo ;)Ha.

Been to Logo several times, (countless times in fact, haha)
but never to YYT

so next time, bring me there! :)

Now I know who was the other foreigner when I sat at the front row in YYT and looked back... Congrats on great blog - check mine: yaleike.blogspot.com (expect to encounter some language problems:)

You sat down ..aaaahh, table person :)

Actually, I was standing with some friends that brought us up to 5 foreigners.

I'll check the blog.

There was one foreigner sitting somewhere in the middle of the room, and judging from the angle your clip on Youtube was shot I suspected he was you... Apparently I was wrong.
The tables in the front row were perfect for being close to the scene and the musicians, so I just took a seat there. Yes, I know what I deserve... It was my first time in YYT and I was surprised to see tables there, but when in Rome... so I sat.

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This page contains a single entry by Andy Best published on February 22, 2009 1:02 AM.

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