Zhong Chi's entire first album online

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zhong chi easyworldBefore Soma started their Indietop label and got into venue management they had Zhong Chi.

Sarah Zhong Chi is a protege of Soma head honcho Lao Yao and months before signing the new bands he wrote and produced her debut album Easyworld. Of course, they then were faced with the fact of there being no industry for the album to go into.

It is pop music that is inspired by ambient and trip-hop sounds with lyrics that focus on the environment. It's quite good, especially the title track. And now, it's available in its entirety on her Douban page - for listening, not downloading.

Check it out

Since forming Indietop, Soma have been promoting Zhong Chi again. When doing shows, she is backed by the rock trio Triple Smash. This band feature ex-Mushrooms guitarist Li Xing (Jerry Li) and David Chiang of Six Shot. This is a bit of a strange reversal for Soma as Lao Yao has taken most of their acts in a more commercial direction.

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I love Lao yao's music when he's doing something he likes, and the album is one of my favorite!!~~
the very details of this is amazing, easily get touched deep down my heart.
and, haha, if you have the album, you can see my name as promotional role.

Hello! Repentant klooper appropriate for my english jer, buti danged nice re say gJ$)Kd!!!.

Wanna very nice joke?)) Why did the cannibal rush over to the cafeteria? He heard children were half price.

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