Uh-oh ....

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by Wee LingI'll get right to the point. Due to constant aggravation of a long standing health problem I have to bite the bullet and cut out all non essential computer use for at least three months.

So it's bye bye blog for the immediate future and ... perhaps for longer.

The site mail will still be active for anyone who wants to get in touch and tour the scene or go to a gig or get advice ... or whatever.




Andy B.

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Rest up mate and get blogging again soon

That sucks man. I thought you were on the mend last time we spoke :(

aiya, but hope you'll get better soon yeh.

I am on the mend ... but It's lurking under the surface. It's needs to get properly fixed.

This might even be a kind of soft closing of the blog unfortunately.

Glad that photo got another outing incidentally

Get healthy soon!

Andy, get well soon, you deserve good rest. In the meantime consider taking up internal styles...

I am so sorry to hear it, Andy. Hope you recover quickly and painlessly. Bummer about the blog, but glad you're prioritizing your health and well-being.

You've done a great service to Shanghai's rock scene with this blog, with your passion and regularity. Even if the blog ends here, its contribution shall live on in the blossoming careers of all the young bands you saw such early potential in and helped to promote. Kudos. May they go far - and may you!

Thanks for all Shanghai rock info. I hope you get well and come back soon!

Andy, thanks for all the work you've put into this blog over time. I've immensely appreciated it and learned so much from your posts. It's been informative, professional and very well written. Take care of yourself and get well soon.

Will this interfere with your martial arts training? Hope not; as a fellow MA guy I know losing that is way tougher than not being able to write a blog.

Hi Steve, thanks

Yeah, I still respond fine to normal exercise. It's neck stiffness and RSI type aggravation that sets it off.

So, I have one more week of a brutal summer work schedule then it's MA training galore. Adding upper body strength is the next big focus. I can hit still but I'm 64kg.

If I lost that I'd be well pissed off.

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This page contains a single entry by Andy Best published on July 16, 2009 6:19 PM.

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