James Langergaard: 1971 - 2009 The Bike Philosopher

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Here's what Mickey Z said about James at the blog where we all met and talked every day.

James was one of the few Expendables I knew even before I had this blog. He was a dedicated vegan with a kind and loyal heart, a curious and rebellious spirit, a clever sense of humor, and a sincere desire to learn and grow. He will be missed...
I never met James in person. We met while hanging out at New York writer/activist Mickey's blog where he was James from Hell's Kitchen. After that we eventually moved to some e-mailing and Facebook-ing too. We were practically the same age and with the same interests and beliefs especially bikes. 

That's bicycles, the none motorized ones. James was a committed advocate and activist in New York on behalf of bikes. The video above is footage from one of his Bike TV segments reproduced from this tribute. He did most of his work through volunteering at TA - here

James was one of the few people who lived in a way which did not make a mockery of his values. 

I have biked every day of my eight years in Shanghai and have proudly not owned a car for ten. Tonight when I go on my usual ritual early-hours ride on the night of the first day off that week, ghosting at speed through the near deserted city streets, James will be with me.

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This page contains a single entry by Andy Best published on August 18, 2009 2:30 PM.

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