Pinkberry EP release nothing live @ Yuyintang

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yoi yoi
OK. So by now you should have read the news that Yuyintang was visited by the man on Friday. 

Read Jake's full posts here and here

Summary: it's Expo time. They took the desk and tills. We'll know what's happening on Monday (gov office hours begin).

Me and Jake have pushed this story about the Expo and the history of scene closures, and the Top Floor Circus thing, in the hope it would be properly picked up and get enough attention to maybe make a difference. But how many people, writers and outlets from local to international really went for it and gave it a go or pushed it on their contacts even ... err .... yup, no one. We'll just have to hope for good news this week.

So, I went over to YYT anyway, having heard they'd be open as bar and that Pinkberry would be around to meet people who showed up unaware that all shows were off for the weekend. That atmosphere was subdued but relaxed, even when the police - surprisingly the kind of city federal/special cops with proper gear and in shape etc - did another swing-by to check. The place was sufficiently dead at that point to satisfy them.

Pinkberry later took the stage for a quick cheeky four songs using the old desk and gave out their new EP. This was greatly appreciated by the few people who had made it over. The EP, by the way, is well made and at time of writing is available for listen in its entirety on their page here.

In other news, Alpine Decline's Live Bar show the same night went really well. 

I was going to do a whole ranty post about the Expo thing but I've had my last word and what's the point. If something like the Top Floor Circus thing happened in our home countries, it would be an outrage and yet most people we sent it to didn't even reply to mails.

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This page contains a single entry by Andy Best published on April 25, 2010 11:33 PM.

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