Two Years: the classic posts

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ding ding
So yeah, two years of Kungfuology, the party tonight at Yuyintang from nine.

And here's one of those typical posts revisiting shit and all that. To be honest I find it creepy and borderline offensive when people say what things they did themselves are 'classic', but hey. I'll give it a shot.

The classic posts/stories

Haibao will save us all from dissent (Top Floor Circus story)
The Subs live @ Yuyintang (for the Little Punk corpse surfing picture)
The Best Show of 2009 (That Mushroom's show)

From Jake

Pet Conspiracy in all their Glory (plus the Europe tour vid)

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I suck. I had to be moving things. You know that old story of a band getting kicked out of their home for being too loud. Oh joy.

How was the party?

Hey man

Han Han's spot was so funny, he literally had us all laughing out loud. I can't explain it, just one of those moments. We had no idea what he would do, he brought an old acoustic and improvised some tracks about us and himself.

Boo, hiss. I too missed, but was in HK, so relatively good excuse. Congrats you pair. Keep up the good work!

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This page contains a single entry by Andy Best published on May 25, 2010 3:02 PM.

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