Quote of the day: Paul Franklin on venues

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The 2006 documentary If You Want You Can looks at why the small town of Gloucester, Massachusetts has such a thriving music scene.

In it, Paul Franklin talks about the Fishtown Art Space, a non profit youth centre and live music venue: 

The venue is basically the meeting hall of the music scene. Music is the glue of everything that goes on there. You know, you meet up at the music hall, you're there for the bands, you find out where the next show is, that sort of thing. Without a good venue there is no music scene.
He is not talking about a large theatre where famous acts or international bands could be booked. He is talking about a community oriented space that is committed to letting younger locals have a space to express themselves and develop - and that's what makes a scene.

Yuyintang anyone?

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Such a shame that the Artspace finally did shut its doors. I spent much of my adolescence and early adulthood with this venue as a hub. I'm not certain what kids today do to secure a space to share their art, but I hope that my son, who is now two years of age, will have a space like I did when the time comes that he needs one.

Hey Paul.

Thanks for commenting. You were so right though, it does revolve around a venue that is dedicated to emerging bands and youth, as opposed to pure profit. Shanghai is the same.

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This page contains a single entry by Andy Best published on June 8, 2010 6:25 AM.

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