Hardcore in Shanghai now includes straight edge

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hardcore tour pic
Update: Tyler says: "all the guys in my band are as straight edge as they come!"

Pic: group photo in Wuhan from the Chinese Hardcore Union Tour 2013

It's way past time for a catch up from the world of hardcore music in Shanghai.

I'm going to run through two areas here: The Chinese Hardcore Union Tour 2013 and the band xLost in Painx. Let's start with a bunch of relevant links.

So. Shanghai hardcore band Spill Your Guts recently played on the Chinese Hardcore Union Tour 2013. Also with them was Loudspeaker a punk band from Shanghai who have been around since 1999 and who were the first band I ever saw live in China. Here's a video of Spill Your Guts on the tour:

In other news: Spill Your Guts drummer Tyler Bowa has joined a Chinese straight edge band called xLost in Painx. Yes, a Shanghai based straight edge band. It's interesting for me because I am technically straight edge by default due to my general life habits. We're probably talking musical style only here, or are we? Why not check them out. Here's a bootleg vid that Tyler shared today.

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This page contains a single entry by Andy Best published on July 5, 2013 8:06 PM.

Video: Guren live @ Uptown was the previous entry in this blog.

Made In Shanghai Vol. 5 @ Yuyintang is the next entry in this blog.

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