kungfuology.com: July 2011 Archives

Kungfuology is on Twitter

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twitter account
Well, I'm a bit hesitant to announce this officially, but for now my free shit proxy thing seems to work pretty well all the time.

So, I'm on Twitter.


So follow me if you're there. I've had a play and I now guarantee you that as well as announcing new posts on our sites, there'll be other links, retweets and Q&A. If enough people follow it that I have more followers than followees, I'll keep it 99% China music related.

See you there.

Comments switched back on

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OK, I turned off the comments while on hiatus.

So now they are back on. 

Anyone can comment, and anonymously too. But why would you ever comment anonymously? I've only had that once recently, from someone being rude on purpose. You can do that and use your real name, I don't mind. If you feel the need to hide the fact you're a douche the chances are everyone already knows.

If spam becomes a problem, they may have to go off again though. My filter has a tough time with it.

About this Archive

This page is a archive of entries in the kungfuology.com category from July 2011.

kungfuology.com: August 2010 is the previous archive.

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