Recently in Kungfuology Category

Whats happening with Kungfuology?

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We started with a bit of bang and then fizzled like a sausage, but that doesnt mean we are throwing in the towel. Ive had a bit of a messy year with the visa debarcle, but things seem to be sorted now. Andy's blog is going well, and although I would have liked to have been at some of those gigs Ive spent more time headbanging to people telling me what I do and do not need for my visa.


Things are looking up, however. Now that I can legally stay in China we have plans for our next few videos, Weve still got some design areas to fix with the main site but Ive got this nice new blog colour (shanghai smog gray), and Ive even created a new category - Movement Monday.

Every Monday I will post on a training movement I like. Some will be warm-up/flexibilty based, some will be strength focused, and others will be more activity movement specific.

Ive left you with a nice pic of me with my Shifu and kungfu brothers (Nate,Shifu Kai,Christian,me). My elder kungfu brother (shixiong) Christian Kubiak just visited us for 10 days and I managed to sneak back from HK just in time to do some training with him. Hes a big guy with very fast hands so its always good to get the chance to train with him. Only problem is he lives in Germany so we only get to train together every so often. Oh well better start saving them pennies for Octoberfest next year I guess. 

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November 2008: Monthly Archives
