Rock Band 2: rehearsing

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expendable band
So, yeah, these band posts are going to come in a fairly random order as we're half way through the steps I outlined in post one.

I just had a great rehearsal. It was a perfect mix of getting the work done and enjoying the moment. Let me go through it.

Firstly. We use Juju rehearsal studios on Huaihai Road/Huashan Road in the basement of Huashan Gardens (1635 Huashan Lu). Their number is 6280 1415.

They have two rooms and we tend to go for the large one. Today we had the large room for 2 hours at the cheaper daytime rate and paid 80 Yuan in total. That's just 20 yuan each (about 3 USA dollars).

Shanghai's studios generally supply all the main equipment. In this case the room came with a drum kit, two guitar amps, a bass amp and a PA with mics. All this was included in the price.

During the two hours we worked on 6 out of our 8 current songs. The average song is around 4 minutes and we did a straight practice-play through of each one 2 or 3 times. This accounted for about an hour and ten minutes. There was some setting up time of course, for a full band maybe 15 mins. After all that we went back and worked on some problem areas or newer parts. We fixed the pacing of our song Paris 68 and worked on parts of the newest song The Rainbow Warrior. 

While clearing up we decided to make a rehearsal tape of The Rainbow Warrior next week as a priority so that our singer could work at home on melodies.

All in all i'd say that out of 2 hours about 85-90 minutes (about 75%) was actual playing. In my view that's pretty good.

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This page contains a single entry by Andy Best published on April 27, 2010 1:28 AM.

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