2009's best albums

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a 074.jpgWith only a few hours of 2009 left, here's another "best of" list for you. It comes courtesy of Chengdu's CGrooves magazine and is a run down of the five best underground albums released in China in the past twelve months. You might recognise the author.

It's not up online yet so I can't link to it, but if you click on the image to the right here, it'll take you through to a high resolution picture where you should be able to make out the text on it if you really want to read it. Alternatively, if you don't already live there, you'll have to go over to Chengdu and get your hands on a copy (it's the December issue with the scary cover, as you can see). 

The albums, in no particular order, are:

Carsick Cars - You Can Listen, You Can Talk
Muscle Snog - Mind Shop
Sun Ye - Trash Can
24 Hours - No Party People
LAVA|OX|SEA - Next Episode: Lord Smart vs Dr Jin

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