Lezi launches a label

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zhuhelu.jpgHis bosses at Soma may have been, err, less than prolific in the past twelve months, but now Lezi (Sonnet drummer, part of the management at Mao) is trying his hand at his own label.

The bands involved are:

Sonnet (naturally)
Joker/Jiao Ke
21 Grams

I wrote a while back about how he'd formed the Beautiful Western Suburbs collective with these bands and now he's taking them into the studio with plans to put out records on his just-this-minute-founded 竹露荷风音乐社 (Zhu Lu He Feng Music Society) label.

Sonnet and Pinkberry have already begun recording material, while Joker and 21 Grams are in the process of writing new songs in preparation for some recording time next summer. The label has a website under construction and there'll be more details as they emerge, but for now this seems like a positive step. Soma have shown us that we shouldn't hold our breath when local bands join a label, but Lezi, who has had an inside track on developments there, is positive about getting some releases for these bands out soon.

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