Zhu Lu He Feng now online

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zlhf.jpgOne of those 'no need to elaborate' kind of headlines really. Sonnet drummer Lezi has launched a website for his Zhu Lu He Feng collective. You know, this thing. Sonnet, Pinkberry, 21 Grams, Joker - these are the bands we're talking about here. It's early doors of course, but it's nicely done and unsurprisingly beats the shit out of the limited and still Chinese-only MAO Livehouse Shanghai site (Lezi's employers).

What else? Umm... it looks like Pinkberry's forthcoming CD will be called Go Boom.

Yeah, that's pretty much all I've got, but whatever, I already warned you that it was all in the title. And yet, I kept you hanging on until here for the link. Bastard. Click here.

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