Video: AV Okubo's 'Break Wave'

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When AV Okubo were in town the other month, they stuck on the video for 'Break Wave' before they took to the stage. It's one of their best songs and the video is pretty awesome. I think we mentioned it in a podcast at the time. I don't really remember. Anyway, take your mind off all the Expo nonsense happening here for a bit, by watching the video here. It features Liu Bo, one of the photographers for their album artwork who currently has an exhibition on in town or something apparently. Don't watch it for that though, watch it because it's... well, awesome. There's also an interview with the band here and a thing about Maybe Mars' latest tour of the States here, all courtesy of the people at Mogo.

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Oh sh*t, that's so good.

I was stoked when they played it at the gig, it's even better the 2nd time. Pity the shows don't sound like that.

That is indeed totally awesome

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