Andy Best, media whore

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andybest.JPGI usually don't do posts on music coverage in Shanghai's print media for obvious reasons - I don't want to be open to conflict of interest or bias allegations. Andy occasionally writes pieces on the city magazines and coverage of local bands, but he's on holiday at the moment and I just had to post this up.

If you see a copy of July's That's Shanghai around town (not sure what's on the cover yet, sorry) then pick it up and turn to page 85 where you'll find Mr Best explaining the lyrics behind Expendable's 'Paris '68'. Check the band out on Douban here and the song 'Paris '68' here.

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The song can be found here these days:

Paris 68

Rad dude. You take the most incredible press photos...

The song can be found here these days:Shox Shoes
Nike Shox Shoes

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