More ZLHF goings on

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Thumbnail image for zlhf.jpgI've written a fair bit about Zhu Lu He Feng before. If the name doesn't ring any bells, you can get up to speed by clicking these links:

Lezi launches a label
ZLHF now online
ZLHF are doing stuff

If you're too lazy to read any of those, I'll summarise: Zhu Lu He Feng is a local-based label set up by Lezi from Sonnet/Pinkberry featuring bunch of local bands.

In addition to organising a series of local university shows and to signing a slew of varied bands, Zhu Lu He Feng have now broken new ground by signing a French band to their label. The label has been signing young bands from various genres (Pinkberry - punk pop; Joker - blues-rock; Manbanpai - indie-folk) without a particularly obvious theme other than their being based in Shanghai, but they've now signed The Nitwits, a band based in France who (as far as I know) have never played in Shanghai before.

So what's going on? Basically, Lezi has agreed to work with the band to help promote their name and music over here in China. The first step has been to set them up with a Douban page, which you can check out here. They've stuck up a bunch of songs from their second album (shouty punk rock if you're wondering, check it out) and ZLHF will sell their albums over here as well. If this helps build enough of a following over here, then the next step is clearly a tour or slots at some of China's (increasingly numerous) festivals.

Obviously, it's an experiment for both sides. So, smart idea or a distraction from working with the local bands?

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