Wednesday: Boojii designs at Dada

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smsh1280210352.jpgSo DJ Sacco, who let's face it, is one of this city's finest DJs, does this regular fashion thing at Dada. Basically, once a month he gets some cool as shit local designers to bring a bunch of their stuff to Dada and flog it while he plays fucking brilliant Mod music. It's pretty much the best thing you can do on a Wednesday. This month, he's got San San out of Boojii selling her wares. You'd be a fool to miss it. I recommend getting there fairly late so that I can buy all the stuff I want first and then you're left with whatever I don't want/can't afford - sound good? Ok, see you there then. Here's the details.

Speaking of Sacco and Boojii, aren't they involved in some other super cool event this week? I forget...

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