Yuyintang reopens tonight

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6b6b859ftw6deaycqs6m6j.jpgAfter a month-long closure, Yuyintang reopens its doors tonight. The venue has been shut for extensive renovations which have seen them increase their capacity and make it generally a much more suitable gig space. Tonight's show is an unplugged Valentine's Day special from Yuguo, so if your significant other is into weepy indie ballads then you should get on down there and check out the new space tonight. For everyone else, there'll be plenty of opportunities to get to see the new Yuyintang over the coming weeks - the venue is pretty much booked up until April, with a string of high profile shows lined up.

Also, the plan is for the venue to be run as a cafe during the day, open every day of the week. That phase of the renovations is still ongoing so it's not there yet, but the gig bit is obviously good to go and that's the important thing.

More pictures of the new space after the jump


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I'm gonna miss the big wooden round 'thing' over the bar...

fear not. the big wood wheel thing is now hanging from the ceiling in the first little room of the place, on the way to the main room... dont know what that shit is, but i think they stole it from a Spanish galleon from the 18th centry.

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