Write for us

Kungfuology needs you! There are three ways you can write for us:

Stand alone articles

Write a stand alone article and submit it by e-mail. We will then publish it under the user content category. Read the site first and get a feel for the style and subject matter, perhaps we'll e-mail you some guidelines too.


Take an assignment

From time to time we will post assignments. This will usually have an element of challenge involved and will almost certainly be Asia based. Watch the assignments page and check for posts with the tag assignments. These should turn into a short run of posts, like two or three.


Become a feature writer

If you have some time on your hands and we like your submissions, we could create a new feature and assign it to you. At time of posting, this site is volunteer powered so be clear: regular posting involves a bit of pressure, no money and you can't flake halfway through.


You will get to say 'I'm a writer for Kungfuology', have an on-line portfolio of your work and have the last laugh when we get bought out by a super rich media conglomerate. On the other hand, you may get fatigued then annoyed by the editor rejecting your articles and eventually quit in a blaze of righteous indignation.



If you publish a post on our site through any of the above methods - you get to be dismissed and insulted over and over in the comments section once the readership picks up! Fame at last!



Our regular vid-cast is based out of Shanghai. Are you in Shanghai? Will you be here soon? Drop us an E-mail and lets video you. We can shoot you training, you can host or do a walk on. You do train Kung Fu, right? No? Well just call us for a coffee instead ... or carry the boom stand.



All our posts have a photo with them. If you do not submit one, we will use a stock image based on the feature. But you'd rather have a nice image that goes with your piece. Crop them to around 350 px wide.


Contact us: editor(at)kungfuology(dot)com


  • box of shaw
  • china web digest
  • lexicon
  • other (1)
  • user content
  • vidcast

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