Cameron Hirst: July 2008 Archives

Getting my stretch on

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Ive embarked on a new stretching program recently to increase my flexibility. Flexibility is kind of the bastard step child of a lot of training programs, confined to a few feeble attempts to touch the toes after a "real" workout. In the kung fu world we also get a lot of "oh, in real life you never do high kicks, its too dangerous" yada yada. Thats no excuse not to have good flexibility in my book. So in order to put my money where my mouth is I've come up with a cunning plan...follow some flexy freakazoids advice.


I'm following the program laid out in Stretching Scientifically by Thomas Kurz. Now as you can see from the covershot with the author on it (right), he is certainly no slouch when it comes to stretching, and lays down all the technical aspects of stretching, different types, and some program outlines.

I've already been doing the program for about a week and a half, and already I've seen about a 15% increase in flexibility. If things keep going this way I'll be suspending myself from chairs in full split all over Shanghai. I'm also interested in finding out how to clone myself while in the full speadeagled position, but alas no tips in the book.

I'll keep posting on progress and any problems I encounter (from what I can tell excessive pain and hatred of stretching isnt a problem).


Mum said eat ya veggies!

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vegeturd.jpgI made a new discovery today on the food front.

I was about to sit down for lunch when my girlfriend brought out something a little odd. Apart from looking like the pet poodle was playing a practical joke, I was assured it was a real vegetable. Needless to say I had a nibble on the wee brown treasure. Not the tastiest of creations, and apparently it was pickled (which only gave me more crude joke fodder).

When I was a kid I refused to eat brussel sprouts, I just wonder what my reaction would have been to these little nuggets had they appeared on my dinner plate.


Let the blogging begin

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Welcome to the blog. sh250.jpg

Ive finally gotten off my ass and made the hard start of beginning. This blog is mostly going to focus on aspects of training, some insights into my life, and probably some moaning about China (it wouldnt be a real China blog without complaining about China, right?).

I'm going to try post at least once a week, and I've got some new stuff I'm trying at the moment with regards to training (martial arts and otherwise) so hopefully I can keep up with my wild and wacky ideas in the cyberworld, That way when I have children they will have something to laugh at their old man about.

Im located in Shanghai so I guess most of my stuff is gonna be Shanghai specific, but I'll try to branch out where I can. I hear the MMA scene in Beijing is getting bigger, and on a recent visa run to Hong Kong I saw quite a few adverts for MMA gyms there. II'll try find out more info on that and post it up.




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This page is a archive of recent entries written by Cameron Hirst in July 2008.

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