Cameron Hirst: March 2009 Archives

Pain in the ass

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Over the past few weeks ive been getting treatment for a long term injury I have. Its basically a form or IT band syndrome, usually seen in runners who do to much. The IT band is pretty much a big bit of tendon that runs from the outside of your knee to your hip.

To cut a long story short, overuse of the legs can cause friction leading to inflammation, especially around where the IT band slides over the hip joint. This makes the IT band tight which pulls on the outside of the knee, causing pain.

Ive had physio on my knee before, acupunture, massage, but with little luck - it always rears its ugly head again. But lately ive been getting treatment on the muscles at the hip - as the IT band isnt muscle its connective tissue, meaning it doeant really stretch - so working the muscles around it should be the key. Its been working well and feeling a lot better. My glutes (ass muscles) particularly seem like a problem, and perhaps my Glute medius isnt working properly (from a kick in the ass perhaps..bad joke)

So heres a little stretch I found which hits my ass nicely (hmm..ok), it really loosens me up where i think the origin of the tightness comes from (pic from

ChairHipStretch4.jpgHeres the part where Im supposed to make a funny joke about having a tight ass or something, but I figured it had already gone through your head.  


Its alive

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Just a quick post to make sure im still alive and posting. Lots of excuses for the break such as losing the login info, trouble loging in, working late and being a lazy ass - all pretty lame as usual.

So heres a nice little vid from the 2009 Surfing Hainan Open, courtesy of Nate from Santa Cruz, not only does he shred on a stick and won the Shortboard Open division, but he can film and edit too! thats multitasking for ya! enjoy


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This page is a archive of recent entries written by Cameron Hirst in March 2009.

Cameron Hirst: January 2009 is the previous archive.

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