Top Floor Circus x The Thing

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lu chen.jpgmei er.jpgYeah that's right, I'm coming over all Hypebeast on you. Remember those Top Floor Circus t-shirts I mentioned a while back? They're now available for you to get your grubby little hands on. Some in depth research (i.e. me stopping by The Thing's Wujiang Lu and Changle Lu shops yesterday afternoon) reveals that they're not in the shops yet, but you can get them from Taobao and they were being sold at the Zhi Wang and Xiao He show last night (more on that in a minute).

More supermodels after the jump.
xiao he and i.jpgClearly my t-shirt here isn't one of the Top Floor Circus ones, but I did pick up the 上海不欢迎你 one that Xiao He is wearing here too and the 我人品很差 one for good measure. No doubt they'll crop up in a photo sooner or later (UPDATE: Here's one). And oh, the reason we've got such maniacal grins on our faces is that Xiao He has just cracked a joke about our height difference. So there you go.

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