Videos: Mortal Fools and Triple Smash

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Finally, some videos on this blog that don't feature me. Mortal Fools have recently uploaded a video of them doing Age of Assholes at the Beijing Punk Festival and Triple Smash have put up a live recording of them doing 再见大合 with 曹大 (of Chaos Mind) lending his vocals. And that's what you can see here (Triple Smash are after the jump), give them a click.

Also just up online are some excellent photos from the first few gigs at Mao, including some classy shots of the Second girls and you'll find those linked to right here. Toni from Pinkberry/Mortal Fools also makes an appearance in that album. Of course, if you're looking for the best photo taken at Mao Livehouse so far, it has to be this one really.

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I was standing in front of the sign waiting for a friend to show for about 10 minutes before it occurred to me to take the photo and how it would look.

Had to get someone else to physically take it of course.

Yeah, some random passer by took it. Smelled like they need a bath to me.

:) Luckily, that passer by had studied some camera stuff at a big university place in Manchester that's quite well known.

Triple Smash clip makes me feel happy - and embarassed again.

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