Listen to Pairs and Guai Li

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p513800011.jpgI didn't go to Zhangbei this year. Last year it took me an age to get to the festival to see a bunch of bands I'd seen loads before and blah, blah, blah. Whatever, Pinkberry went and quick as a flash Andy has posted on a video of them playing there that they just stuck up on their Douban. Clickeddy click.

That's not really what this post is about though. It's a short one to say click here to listen to one of the Pairs tracks that I was banging on about the other day. If it doesn't rock you to your core then, well, sigh. Beijing, you'll get yours too when Pairs play Old What Bar on Friday 13 and Raying Temple on Saturday 14. Oh, and someone's written something about them in Time Out Beijing this month too. Hot. UPDATE: More on the media whores here.

Speaking of stuff going on in the capital (and of new tracks, seamless linking), you can click here to listen to a new track from Guai Li. Their album is coming out in a couple of weeks and they're going on tour to promote it, with a date in Shanghai next month. People seem to be divided over how good Guai Li actually are, give this a click and see what you make of it.

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