Sport Facilities: August 2008 Archives

Titans Kickboxing

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I recently went to the Titans Kickboxing club to try out a class and see what it was like.


The club is run in the Gong Dojo, where Shihan Gong runs his Kyokushin Karate class. There are a few locations, I went to the main one in the Jingan sports center on Kangding rd.

The center itself is quite good. They have showers, a small gym with machines, a bench press and smith machine( I hate those). The training area is a decent size, but not huge.

The teacher was nice and friendly and seemed to know his stuff. He also teaches Kyokushin Karate, so was obviously well conditioned. The only qualms I had were the fact that they didnt have any heavy bags, everything was done with pads, and also class time is only an hour - thats only enough time to warm up, do a bit of conditioning and run some basics. Also there were only 2 others in the class, they say weekdays have more, but this cuts options for sparring etc with only a few students of varying levels. Overall, I'd go back based on the teachers ability. Those Kyokushin guys tend to do a lot of sparring and it showed in his knowledge.

Next up I'm going to check out Qianshi Sanda and see what their Sanda class is like.

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