Sport Facilities: October 2008 Archives

Surfing in joke

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So Ive been a tad busy lately trying to get my visa sorted, thats about 4 months and counting. I managed to land a job, get a contract, have my health check, and now its down to getting my working permit...Then I can hopefully get my working visa. Feels like Im in a ridiculous tv soap, that just keeps draggin on.


So while Ive been trying to work out what it is I actually do in my new job, Ive got on to something Ive been wanting to do for a while. Im organisising a surfing contest in Hainan. Yeah that island at the bottom of China. There are waves, believe it or not, and not too bad from what Ive heard. Ill be teaming up with Brendan at Surfing Hainan which does board hiring, lessons and can organise transport, hotel and take you to the spots if your up for some waves. Things are still in planning, but its looking good so far, so hopefully this will give me a good excuse to take time off work

Ill post more info when its decided, and if your up for surfing check out Brendans website for more info

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This page is a archive of entries in the Sport Facilities category from October 2008.

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October 2008: Monthly Archives
