Sport Facilities: September 2008 Archives

Qianshi Sanda

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Its taken long enough, but ill finally review Qianshi Sanda. Actually Ive been training there for a few weeks now, but just havnt got around to posting about it.


Qianshi sanda is located just off Lujiabang road, down Fangxie rd. Ive had a few taxi drivers get confused as Lujiabang changes into Xujiahui rd at the next intersection. Its downstairs in the sport center, which I had actually played dodgeball in a few years back, but didnt realise they had a sanda club.

The club is not extremely big, but its big enough. They have about 9 or 10 heavy bags hanging, with 2 of those being extra hard. The floor is padded and suitable for throwing practice, and they have various equipment to use, and wraps, shorts can be bought there.

Qianrenbiao, the coach is a former multiple sanda champion himself(not sure if thats national or just provincial), and has coached the Shanghai team, and national team. Hes a very approachable guy, no nonsense, and keeps himself in good shape. He still likes to train a lot himself,  probably kicks harder than any of the students and seems to have a good wealth of knowledge.

One thing I liked about this school is there is a good number of student, 20ish on a good night, who train well and often come early and stay late after class to keep training. They train 4 nights a week, 1.5-2 hours a class and at 2800RMB a year, it represents probably the best value for money you'l find in Shanghai. 

This is probably the best combination of quality teaching, training, and price Ive found so far for sanda in Shanghai, apart from training at the Shanghai University of Sport. Ill do a post sometime about my experiences there for comparison.

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