I want that one: Pairs t-shirts

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DSC_0396.jpgIf you want one as well, then send Pairs an e-mail (their address is here), just don't take the one I want or there'll be trouble. More importantly though, come and watch them at Yuyintang tonight. They're playing with Beijing's Birdstriking and Taipei's Boyz and Girl and they're so ridiculously good it's not even funny. Do it.

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I like the one that says "Pears."

Boyz & Girl are amazing if you guys haven't seen them live yet. Fuzzed-out, wandering melodies that coalesce into some amazing grooves.

Birdstriking are getting there. Everyone should go to this show.

It was a great show last night. Pairs were, well only as Pairs can be. Birdstriking are getting there for sure but maybe they need to change their name to Carsick Hedgehogs. Having said that, I'm keen to see if their own sound breaks through a bit more in future, there were certainly hints of it last night. Boyz and Girl were amazing, as Pete said. I really enjoyed them and am looking forward to sitting down and giving their cd a listen tonight.

Btw, Newby is t-shirt stealing c**t :)

Great information! I’ve been looking for something like this for a while now. Thanks!

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