Pairs up for MTV Iggy's artist of the week

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p513800011.jpgMTV Iggy, apparently 'your destination for the best new music exploding around the world' has a thing where you vote for their artist of the week. The winner then gets to be on the MTV Iggy home page and there's an interview with them. So what? Well, Pairs are up for nomination.

The Shanghai-based twosome, who have a new album coming soon, are up against four other acts from around the world and at the moment, Brazil's Tulipa is killing it with 90% of the vote or something. Redress that balance by clicking here and voting for Pairs, you don't have to sign up for any spam or anything, just scroll to the voting form at the bottom of the page.

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i just got them to 2% by voting, refreshing the page, and voting again. i encourage all to do the same. if yr not cheating yr not trying! on a related note, i'm also watching a tv program about midget beauty queens so maybe not everyone has the time that i do right now.

They are now solidy in 2nd with 2.24 %!

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