vidcast: June 2008 Archives

Kungfuology went down to Zhong Shan Park in Shanghai to see if you really can wander into a park in China and find a Kung Fu teacher. It seems you can. In this two part vidcast, we meet 71 year old teacher Pu Rujie and his student Shaun Hogan. Despite Pu Laoshi's advanced years and Shaun's hip replacement they still get down to the park and train every single day - putting kungfuology's training ethic to shame.

Pu Laoshi is a famed coach and judge for Shanghai's Chang Ning district but now teaches strictly traditional in his retirement years: Shaolin Cha Quan and the traditional Chinese weapons.

Contact editor(at)kungfuology(dot)com for more details.

Kungfuology went down to Zhong Shan Park in Shanghai to see if you really can wander into a park in China and find a Kung Fu teacher. It seems you can. In this two part vidcast, we meet 71 year old teacher Pu Rujie and his student Shaun Hogan. Despite Pu Laoshi's advanced years and Shaun's hip replacement they still get down to the park and train every single day - putting kungfuology's training ethic to shame.

Pu Laoshi is a famed coach and judge for Shanghai's Chang Ning district but now teaches strictly traditional in his retirement years: Shaolin Cha Quan and the traditional Chinese weapons.

Contact editor(at)kungfuology(dot)com for more details.

July 2008: Monthly Archives


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This page is a archive of entries in the vidcast category from June 2008.

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