Top Floor Circus are still alive (Xmas show)

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As if to answer the lingering questions about where Shanghai's most popular draws have buggered off to, Top Floor Circus and post-pop fan faves Sonnet have called their next show WTF! We're still alive! Of course, they're joking about the Mayan thing.

The TFC xmas show is a tradition and last time around they made a special movie to promote it and then filled Mao Livehouse. This time they have chosen 696 Livehouse. 696 has just moved to a new location ... and I hope it's bigger than their last place.

Saturday 22nd December
Full line up: TFC, Sonnet, Paper Tiger, Yin
696 new address: 虹口区 四川北路1727弄11-8 (四川北路巴黎春天对面沿河步行街内,3号线东宝兴路站2号出口左转掉头,右转沿河走50米。) 


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This page contains a single entry by Andy Best published on December 20, 2012 6:45 PM.

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