Fen Ran Punk Festival interview (600th post)

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Thumbnail image for Xu Qi
Pic: Xu Qi of Dragon Pizza

Pop! Bang! Whizz! Ooohhh .. ahhhh. It's the 600th post in shanghai music scene

Anyway ...

I recently posted on the upcoming Shanghai Punk Festival show here:

Now, SH247 have run a supporting interview with Frank Fen Ran, the organiser. Frank used to have the premier old school punk act in town, The Mortal Fools, and spends most of his time out in the suburb of Zhu Jia Jiao. As well as being a tip-tip bloke, he's always up to something in the world of punk. 

So, support the show on Sunday and check out the interview here:

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This page contains a single entry by Andy Best published on August 16, 2012 3:19 PM.

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