Chang Jiang Festival skullduggery

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adam midi
As readers may or may not know, the Beijing Midi School has been expanding its festival to other cities, including Shanghai this year. They also have successfully run the show in the nearby river town Zhen Jiang - called the Chang Jiang Midi Festival. This year will be the third one.

Except it won't as it has suddenly and without previous indication changed into the Chang Jiang Strawberry Festival - see here. Yes, that's the brand of Modern Sky, the main rival festival.

At first all statements were restrained but let's be honest, it's an open secret of the China scene that the old hands are absolute bastards to each other all the time (so you needn't feel too bad for Midi themselves) ... but Midi School band Miserable Faith couldn't contain their anger any longer and started to go ballistic on Weibo:

I see it as a loss for the fans as Strawberry events are so brand minded that they even put two show cars in the middle of the indie stage last year. Urgghh. 

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This page contains a single entry by Andy Best published on July 23, 2011 12:59 AM.

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