Tiger Beer Battle/Yuguo live @ Yuyintang

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kaine frank art
Friday just gone at Yuyintang was the Tiger Beer Battle of the Bands with guest performance by Yugou. Including the battle bands the main show went like this:

Magic (Moshu Shi)

Also playing out the night were Nanjing's 谜库 (Miku) but I didn't see them, sorry guys. 

Music Fever's Fanchie Chaodan and Sunny were brought in to run this event artistically and they killed it. Check the photo, an interesting offshoot was that Frank Fen and Kaine were doing the live art out back in the park so it ended up being punk. Loved how the real lights at the top were incorporated into the painting. 

The bands did fine but when Yuguo came on it was clear that they were the biggest draw and they played a decent set. The room was full up and the fans knew the words and chanted their names. For those who may be new to the scene, Yuguo came to Shanghai from Jiangxi to be a full time band and are one of those most professional acts around. They play a kind of brit-pop style that has infused parts of their Chinese influences and lyrics and are very popular with local fans.

Most of all, it was a unique opportunity to catch up with a whole slew of people from the scene. All the O3/0093 crew were there, the Music Fever people and even some old faces like Frank Fen, once of punk act Mortal Fools. Most of YYT's extended family was in tow too, and even Brad Ferguson was there, managing the bar.

Now I've done my Perez Hilton thing, I just want to say that's 2 for 2 for music promotion collectives and their summer events. Both Playful Warrior/the metal crowd and Music Fever have killed their summer event bringing YYT up to and over the 400 mark. No pressure, whoever is next.

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Here's a video from the night

Oh that's one cheesy video. I was going to repost it but it doesn't use any music from the actual night and is basically a beer commercial.

In putting it in a post, i'd just be advertising Tiger for free. Which is what we end up doing just by reviewing the show, the sneaky bastards. Really, people who work in the area where 'youth culture' meets advertising are the devil's semen.


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This page contains a single entry by Andy Best published on July 25, 2011 4:47 PM.

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